Dear Valued Customer,

We prioritize your experience and strive to make every aspect of your travel as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Your feedback is an essential part of this process. By sharing your thoughts and suggestions with us, you not only help us understand your needs better but also contribute to making our services even more exceptional.

We kindly invite you to takke a moment to provide feedback on your recent booking experience with us. Your insights can help us enhance our services and tailor them to meet your expectations more effectively.

Rest assured that your responses will be treated wwith the utmost confidentiality and will be used exclusively for the purpose of improvving our services.

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, ho would you rate your overall experience with our flight booking portal?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Were your able to easily find and book the flight you were looking for?

No, it was somewhat difficult.
No, it was very difficult.
Neutral, it was neither easy nor difficult.
Yes, it was very easy.
Yes, it was relativerly easy.

3. Did you encounter any technical issues while using portal? If yes, please describe.

Yes, and it was a major issue.
Yes, but it was a minor issue.
No, the check-out process was smooth.
Not applicable, I did not proceed to check out.

4. How would you rate the user-friendliness of our website?

Poor     Fair    Good    Very Good    Excellent   

5. Were you satisfied with rage of flight options available on our portal?

Not satisfied at all      Slightly satisfied      Neutral      satisfied      Very satisfied   

6. Did you find our flight search and filter options helpful in narrowing down your choices?

Not helpful at all      Slightly helpful      Moderately helpful      very helpful      Extremely helpful

7. How would you rate the payment process and the available payment methods?

Poor     Fair    Good    Very Good    Excellent   

8. Did you encounter any difficulties during the check out process? If yes, please explain.

Yes, and it was a major issue.
Yes, but it was a minor.
No, the check out process was smooth.
Not applicable, I did not proceed to check out.

9. Do you have any suggestions for how we can improve your experience with our flight booking portal?